I Want A Referendum - Campaigning for a vote on the EU reform treaty, arguing that it is substantially the same as the 2005 treaty on which a referendum was promised. - http://www.iwantareferendum.com/
Britain in Europe - Campaign for greater integration between Britain and the European Union includes pro-EU articles and information advocating adoption of the euro as Britain's currency. - http://www.britainineurope.org.uk/
Times - EU Constitution - Recent coverage of the debate about the new Europe and EU Constitution. Includes link to the full text of the draft document. - http://www.timesonline.co.uk/section/0,,13509,00.html
Guardian Unlimited Special Report: European Union - Ongoing coverage with news, comment and analysis about the European Union itself and its issues, policies and future. Includes links to official documents, European government and media sites. - http://www.guardian.co.uk/eu/0,7368,396838,00.html
Campaign Against Euro Federalism - A trade union-based campaign opposing the EU from the viewpoint of the democratic left. - http://www.poptel.org.uk/against-eurofederalism/
The European Union Committee of the UK House of Lords - Scrutinises and produces reports on European Legislation: background to the Committee, copies of evidence and reports. - http://www.parliament.the-stationery-office.co.uk/pa/ld199798/ldbrief/ldscrueu.htm
BBC News - In Depth: Inside Europe - Ongoing collection of news and views plus background briefings, country profiles, history and online audio programmes. Includes issues of enlargement and an EU constitution. - http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/in_depth/europe/2003/inside_europe/default.stm
Guardian Unlimited Politics Special Report: Britain and the EU - Ongoing coverage focuses on the political issues with the European Union and the UK. Includes news, comment and analysis plus speeches, official texts and audio clips. - http://politics.guardian.co.uk/eu/0,9054,443198,00.html
Euro-Links Search Engine - Directory of web sites pro and anti European federalisation. - http://www.euro-sceptic.org/
Euroseptic.co.uk - Eurosceptic humour, graphics and icons, and merchandise. - http://www.euroseptic.co.uk/
Democracy Movement - A non-party campaign to keep the pound and stop the "European Superstate"; formed from Sir James Goldsmith's Referendum Party and the Euro Information Campaign. - http://www.democracy-movement.org.uk/
WebRing - Euro-Sceptic - Collection of groups, organisations, people and web sites critical of European federalisation. - http://d.webring.com/hub?ring=sceptic
Spiked Politics - Issues: The EU - Collection of archived columns about European Union and euro issues. - http://www.spiked-online.com/Sections/Politics/EU/Index.htm
Campaign for an Independent Britain (CIB) - Coalition group which seeks the UK's withdrawal from the EU, and specifically the repeal of the European Communities Act of 1972 under which EU directives take precedence over UK law. - http://www.bullen.demon.co.uk/
The European Movement - All-party movement campaigning for the European Union to become more democratic and effective, and for Britain to play a full role within it. - http://www.euromove.org.uk/