The John Hampden Society - A society devoted to the study of 17th-century Parliamentarian John Hampden, who famous for resisting the Ship Money tax. -
Sandwich Collects Ship Money - Ship Money is still collected in England, the Cinque Port of Sandwich in Kent. -
Ship Money - An article in the open source encyclopaedia, Wikipedia, discussing the history and constitutional implications of Ship Money. -
Act Declaring the Illegality of Ship-money. - An Act passed, just before the start of the Civil War, making Ship Money illegal. Widely interpreted as a victory for Parliament over the King. -
Extracts from the Speech of Oliver St John in the Ship-money Case - A speech in John Hampden's defence from Gardiner "Constitutional Documents of the Puritan Revolution". A classic denunciation of arbitrary taxation. -
Ship Money List - An article from the Swindon Advertiser of 1885 with a short essay on the importance of ship money, and an explanation on how it was assessed and the Ship Money lists of Wiltshire. -