Bobby Tulloch - Images from the Bobby Tulloch Collection. Also a memorial to the naturalist, who lived on the northerly island of Yell. -
Shetland Library - Based in Lerwick, with a mobile service to outlying areas. Includes details of forthcoming events, mobile library schedule, and publications from the library. -
Fetlar Interpretive Centre - Visitor centre describing the history, culture and wildlife of Fetlar, an inhabited island east of Yell in the Shetland Isles. Museum includes archives of local photographs, recordings of local history, folklore and music, and film of the island going bac -
Shetland Connections - Photographs and paintings by Robin Barclay. Also details of self-catering accommodation. -
Islesburgh Photographic Club - Programme of meetings and events, venue, pictures by members and forthcoming exhibitions. -
Macdonald, Catriona - A traditional Shetland fiddler. Details of her tour dates, newsletter, and samples of her music. -
Shetland Music Distribution - Traditional and contemporary music from Shetland. Full secure payment service. -
Shetland Music Development Project - Promoting local music. History of music making on the islands, sound clips of Shetland music, and upcoming events and concerts. -