Applecross history - Various detailed articles on the history of Applecross, Scotland. Includes historical maps and information about the Highland clearances. -
Hollys House - A self catering holiday cottage. Accommodation, prices, photographs, and contacts. -
The Applecross Peninsula - A visitor's guide to the Applecross Peninsula, including pictures and local details on where to stay and things to do. -
Venture Trust - Venture Trust (VT) is for young people aged 16-25 who want to make changes in their lives. At its centre in Applecross, VT runs residential courses that give young people a chance to take time out and think, try new experiences and learn new skills an -
A romantic Highland hideaway - A secluded coastal cottage offering accommodation. Accommodation, prices, photographs, and contacts. -
Applecross Historical Society - Information about the history, culture and religious significance of this remote Gaelic community. -
Airdaniar - Traditional, self catering croft on the Applecross coast in Wester Ross, Scottish Highlands. -