Glenlair: The home of James Clerk Maxwell - The original stewart mansion of the Scottish scientist, which was damaged by fire in 1929. Includes history, photographic description of the estate and contacts. -
Penpont Heritage - Looks at the history of this village in the area of mid-Nithsdale and its most famous son, explorer Joseph Thomson. Includes historic photographs, history project and an illustrated biography of Joseph Thomson. -
Dumfries and Galloway Community - Resources for health, police, fire and rescue services, including the voluntary sector. Managed by unitary authority council, at their headquarters in Dumfries. -
Brown, Russell - Member of Parliament for Dumfries and Galloway Constituency. Includes link to Labour Party policies. -
David Mundell MSP - Includes a personal profile, campaign, parliamentary report, endorsements and contacts for Scottish Dumfriesshire, Clydesdale and Tweeddale Constituency Conservatives. -
History of Buittle Parish - Listing the background and genealogy of the parishes of Buittle and Palnackie. Provides census information, valuation rolls and other records. -
Stewartry Archaeological Trust - Features excavation of a Neolithic round cairn at Newbarns, and southern Bailey and defences of Buittle Castle, Ingleston. Archive of news, photographic gallery, discussion forum and contacts at Rhonehouse. -
Stewartry Kirks Project - List of ecclesiastical sites within the old county of Kikcubrightshire, from the late 19th to early 20th centuries. Includes literature references, links to photographic galleries and contact for coordinator. -
Scottish Episcopal Church: St Mary's and Greyfriars - Services, activities, including children's Sunday school, and history of two churches, respectively at Gatehouse of Fleet and Kirkcudbright. -
Dumfries and Galloway - Annotated list of archaelogical and historical sites and building within the former counties of Dumfriesshire, Stewartry of Kirkcudbright, and Wigtownshire. -
Imchad Ancestry - Personal pages featuring the regions towns in photographic galleries, including castles, gardens and churches, with accompanying information on genealogy. -
Wigtownshire Families - Genealogy history of the Stewart, McKie and Barr families from Wigtownshire. Also contains information about other families connected by marriage. -
Solway Heritage - Works to conserve, interpret and promote the natural, built and cultural heritage. Includes case studies. -
Cook, Greive and Robb Families - Originating from Ireland and Kirkmaiden in Wigtownshire and formally living in Howden in Selkirshire. Provides genealogy information about the families. -