Allandoo Pheasantry - Breeders of ornamental and rare species of pheasant. Includes photo gallery and information on birds, including prices and contacts near Leswalt. -
Trailtrow Highland Pony Stud - Breeder explaining history and aims of the stud, news, a photo gallery, and links. Located at Eaglesfield. -
Whauphill Kennels and Cattery - Owned and run by an experienced trainer, Cocker Spaniel breeder and kennel manager. Lists boarding and training information, gundogs for sale and location at Whauphill in the hills north east of Barwinnock. -
Dunragit Boarding Kennels and Cattery - Offering heated accommodation for cats and dogs, residential courses in grooming and kennel management, and SSPCA welfare centre. Positioned near the euroroute for the Stanraer ferry at Dunragit. -