Seaway Group - Manufacturers of nets and rigging, ships chandlers, and offering fitting out and repair of new and used fibreglass boats. Details for contact and of services. -
Sangs (Banff) Ltd - Producers of Scottish bottled water and soft drinks; information about their products, local services, company history and contact details. -
Nordic Fishing Ltd - Supply langoustines and seafood direct from their own vessels for the UK and export markets. Also offer chandlery services. -
Macduff Shipyards Ltd - Ship builders, also offering repair, re-engining, and machinery installation services; other divisions focus on crane hire and metal profiling. Information about services and contact details. -
MacDuff Ship Design - Provide naval architecture and marine consultancy services for a range of marine projects in the UK and internationally. Information about services, a gallery, and contact details. -
Deveron Shellfish - Exporters of live lobster, crab, cray fish, winkles and prawns to Europe. Information about their holding facility and transport; contact details. -
Comintex Translation - Offer a website translation service, performed by mother-tongue translators; information about their service and a portfolio of completed projects. -