English Karate Federation - The organisation attempting to co-ordinate the many Karate Associations in England to form a National Governing Body. Includes organisational structure and history information, a search engine for member clubs, contact details and an events calendar. - http://www.englishkaratefederation.com/
Northern Free-style Karate Association - The N.F.K.A. was formed in 1990 and has grown from strength to strength. We have thirteen schools throughout the North East we are one of the largest martial arts organisations in the North East - http://www.nfkainfo.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk
Northern Sports Karate Association (NSKA) - Open to all styles of martial arts, from the more traditional side of karate/kung fu to the more modern side of freestyle karate. - http://www.nska.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/association.htm
Nima Karate - Karate group with clubs all over England, all styles welcome. - http://www.nima99.co.uk/main.asp
Katsudo Martial Arts Association - Describes the philosophy behind the Katsudo martial art. Including work done by both clubs (based in Kent, UK)on physical training, set forms, teaching syllabus, healing, breathing technique and chi. - http://www.katsudo.com
British Karate Association - Listing courses, instructor information, tournaments, links and membership information. Caters for all styles of Karate. - http://www.britishkarateassociation.co.uk
Jin Sei Kai Homepage - Includes an interview with Sensei Perry, newsletter, and links to clubs in Watford, Enfield, Edmonton and Manchester. - http://www.jinseikai.co.uk/
FSKA - Funakoshi Shotokan Karate Association UK club run by Sensei R. Silverthorne under our chief instructor Shihan K. Funakoshi. - http://www.fska.co.uk/
SEMKA Wado-Ryu Karate Alliance - SEMKA is a group of clubs under the direction of P.D Elliott, 5th Dan in the style of Wado-Ryu. - http://www.wadoryu.co.uk