Barbara-Ann Bears - Mohair bears, dragons and rabbits in small limited editions. Gallery, commissions accepted, bears to order plus bear workshops and hand dyed mohair supplies. Kent. -
Billy Buff Bears by Hazel Slough - Signed bears handmade in mohair or synthetics. Gallery, bears to order, contact information and outlets. -
Teddy Bear Museum - Stratford, England - Museum and shop located in a heritage 16th century building in Warwickshire. Photographs and details of the collection and bears for sale. -
Trutone Bears - One off and limited edition traditional hand crafted mohair bears. Gallery, details of craft fairs attended and contact form. Based in Somerset. -
Tailored Teddies - Hand made collector bears plus teddy bear kits, mohair and accessories. Gwynedd. -
LJ Bears - Gallery of limited edition bears including musical bears, past commissions and bears waiting to be despatched. Hampshire. -
Bosky Bears by Diane Morris - Gallery of bears, moggies, gollies and friends plus advice on care, news, shows and outlets. -
Artist Bears by BA Bears - Mohair character bears in a range of sizes. Some cats and bunnies. -