Northern Ireland Environment Link - Includes aims, member directory, education information and bibliography. -
Groundwork Northern Ireland - A not-for-profit organisation working for sustainable neighbourhood renewal through environmental regeneration in areas of high social and economic need.. Includes background and services information with details on current programmes. -
The Green Party in Northern Ireland - A non-sectarian party campaigning on environmental issues. Their site includes news, current campaigns, policy information, membership details, links and contact details, and humour. -
River Bann and Lough Neagh Association - Community-based group of boating enthusiasts, environmentalists, anglers, and naturalists who aim to preserve and promote the amenities of the Bann and Lough Neagh, their tributaries and associated waterways. Includes a code for watercraft users, events g -
Irish Peatland Conservation Council - Environmental campaigning group, with information on bogs, press releases, fundraising, education and contacts. -
The Cave Hill Conservation Campaign - Voluntary group dedicated to the environment conservation of the Cave Hill for the benefit of the people of Belfast, Ireland and beyond. -