Mind, Body and Soul - Provides health information based on the National Curriculum for Key Stage 4 pupils - 14 -16 year olds. - http://www.mindbodysoul.gov.uk
No Smoking Day - Held on the second Wednesday of March every year. This is the official Web site to support people who want to stop smoking on this day. - http://www.nosmokingday.org.uk/
Foodlink - Provides food safety tips and advice, aimed at children. - http://www.foodlink.org.uk
Community Hygiene Concern - A registered UK charity providing information on diseases caused by parasites or by poor hygiene, affecting people and pets. Good information about head lice and how to get rid of them. - http://www.chc.org/
Smoking: Don't give up giving up - Official site produced by the NHS Health Education Authority. Useful advice on how to give up. Regular supportive e-mails. - http://www.givingupsmoking.co.uk/
Think About Drink - Information site by the Health Education Council aimed at young people. Count your units, read tales from the dark side and try the quiz. - http://www.wrecked.co.uk/
Food Forum - Concerns food education, produced by a former specialist food teacher. Aimed at parents and teachers. - http://www.foodforum.org.uk/