NHS Careers :: Midwifery
- Information about qualifications and career development in the profession; includes a list of courses and providers, and guidance for those who wish to return to midwifery.
- http://www.nhscareers.nhs.uk/details/Default.aspx?Id=120
University of Portsmouth | BSc (Hons) Midwifery - Two year course which offers the opportunity for diploma qualified practitioners to study to degree level. Provides links to course details and teaching and assessment methods. - http://www.port.ac.uk/courses/coursetypes/undergraduate/BScHonsMidwifery/
University of Paisley - Undergraduate Midwifery Courses - Lists entry requirements for aspiring midwives as well as course details. Also includes links to postgraduate courses for the qualified. - http://www.paisley.ac.uk/courses/ug-courseinfo.asp?courseid=579
Student Midwives Sanctuary - Provides support, advice and information for all aspiring and current students before and during their midwifery education. Includes a listing of universities offering courses in midwifery. - http://www.studentmidwives.co.uk/
Academic Division of Midwifery - Information about under-/postgraduate, pre/post registration, and continuing development courses in midwifery available at the University of Nottingham. - http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/midwifery/
London South Bank University - Offers postgraduate masters and degree courses. Also offers further professional development study days. - http://www.lsbu.ac.uk/php-cgiwrap/health/courses/view_category_courses.php3?CGId=61&CGName=Professional%20Development:%20Midwifery%20&%20Womens%20Health
INAM - Institute of Nursing and Midwifery - Provides nursing and midwifery education for practitioners at every stage, pre/post-registration, postgraduate and return to practice. Information about courses, admissions, and research activities. [Brighton] - http://www.brighton.ac.uk/inam/
Coventry University - Midwifery - Features courses for undergraduates, continuing professional development and those who wish to return to practice. Provides similar course links to each with full descriptions of course details and requirements for study. - http://www.coventry.ac.uk/courses/undergraduate-full-time-a-z/a/457
Canterbury Christ Church University - Undergraduate Midwifery Course - Features course content and structure, entry requirements, and a description of the interview process. Also offers links to postgraduate courses for qualified nurses who wish to join the profession. [Kent] - http://www.canterbury.ac.uk/courses/prospectus/undergraduate/c.asp?courseUrl=midwifery
Bell College - Diploma of Higher Education/BSc Midwifery - Three year full-time course offering a choice of qualification levels for prospective students. Describes course details as well as entry pre-requisites. Also includes links to the application process. Based in Lanarkshire, Scotland. - http://www.bell.ac.uk/queries/h_hnd_detail.cfm?id=HED-20-01