Enrich UK - The gateway to a lottery-funded collection of 150 sites fuelling the online learning revolution. Culture, history, advice, skills development, science and local information. - http://www.enrichuk.net
New Opportunities Fund - Awards lottery money to organisations providing new opportunities in deprived areas. - http://www.nof.org.uk/
NESTA - The National Endowment for Science, Technology and the Arts. Founded to help individuals with innovative ideas to commercial success. - http://www.nesta.org.uk/
National Lottery Charities Board - Awards lottery money to various registered charities as 'Good Causes'. - http://www.nlcb.org.uk/
National Lottery Good Causes - Gateway to information on how to apply for a National Lottery grant in the UK, and the purposes to which existing grants are being put. - http://www.lotterygoodcauses.org.uk