Wiltshire Community History - Wiltshire County Council provides histories of each parish or town with early maps, population data from 1801, histories of churches and schools, and information about listed buildings. - http://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/community/
Wiltshire and Swindon Record Office - Preserves the records of local government and other documents dating from all periods between the 12th century and the present day. Location, opening hours, news, and research guides. - http://www.wiltshire.gov.uk/leisure-and-culture/access-to-records/wiltshire-and-swindon-record-office.htm
Wiltshire Past - The Victoria County History of Wiltshire explains its work: volumes already published and in progress, online text and map showing areas covered. - http://www.wiltshirepast.net/
Window on Wiltshire's Heritage - Aims to make the county's archaeology, architecture, art, and nature, as well as material from the county's museums, archives, and local studies collections more accessible. - http://www.wowheritage.org.uk/
Wiltshire Heritage - Wiltshire Archaeological and Natural History Society. Activities, details of the museum, gallery and library, and research information. - http://www.wiltshireheritage.org.uk/