Shipley - a Historical Perspective - A history of the town, from earliest times to the 20th century. Includes photographs and maps. -
Zephaniah Trust - Aims to spread the Christian message of Jesus through music and the arts; information about their activities, personnel, funding, schools work, and contact details. -
St Peter's Church, Shipley - Information about worship, events and activities, youth and home groups, with news. -
The Aerial Glide - A campaign which attempted to save the Aerial Glide ride at Shipley Glen. Includes documents and photographs of its demolition. -
Sure Start Shipley - Supports children and their families with a range of community based activities and services. Information about projects, activities and events. -
Shipley Baptist Church - Information about services, their mission and the community. -
Shipley and Baildon Volunteer Bureau - Information about volunteer opportunities and schemes in the two communities; news and contact details. -