Leeds University Chaplaincy - Information on services offered, newsletter, and an events diary. Inter-faith contact details for all religious communities. - http://www.leeds.ac.uk/chaplaincy/
Leeds Hindu Mandir - The first Hindu temple to be built in the city, to fulfil the spiritual, cultural and social needs of the community. Information about services, events calendar, newsletter, and history. - http://www.leedsmandir.org.uk/
Leeds Faith In Schools - Offers assistance to RE and PSCHE departments in Leeds schools, and support for lunchtime groups and other clubs. - http://www.lfis.org/
Leeds Theosophical Society - Informarmation about beliefs, activities, meetings and activities. - http://www.trasi.fsnet.co.uk/public_html/ltsoc.htm
Faith Together in Leeds 11 - Information about a multi-faith partnership including Muslim organisations, Christian churches, and community groups, promoting regeneration in the Leeds 11 area. - http://www.faithtogether.org.uk/
Concord - Leeds Interfaith Fellowship - Concord is a group working to promote a dialogue between the different religious faiths in Leeds. Includes programme of events, details of membership, and contacts. - http://www.concord-leeds.org.uk/