Hearing Voices Group Leeds - Exists to help people who are living with the experience of "hearing voices"; information about activities, meetings and contact details. - http://www.hvgl.org.uk/
Leeds Bereavement Forum - A city-wide network of organisations and individuals who offer services to bereaved people; information about activities, meetings, and tarining offered. - http://www.lbforum.org.uk/
Winning Profiles - Andrew Pickles offers a range of psychotherapy and counselling; information about his services, profile, and how to contact. - http://www.winningprofiles.co.uk/
Sue Kilty - Offers counselling, psychotherapy, and life coaching; information on services and contact details. - http://www.leedscounsellingandcoaching.co.uk/
Leeds Mind - Information about services for Leeds people experiencing mental health problems, campaigns, and projects. - http://www.leedsmind.org.uk/
Leeds Counselling - Largest city-wide counselling service in Leeds, offering counselling and psychotherapy to the people of Leeds and the region. Information about services and contact details. - http://www.leedscounselling.org.uk/
Information for Mental Health - On-line mental health directory, searchable in a number of different ways. Includes details of over 600 organisations working in and around Leeds. - http://www.mentalhealthleeds.info
Including Us - Celebrating Mental Health in Leeds - Mental health news and features. Includes artwork, writings, self-help, and registration for their newspaper. Also includes details of World Mental Health Day. - http://www.includingus.org.uk/