Education and Learning In Calderdale - Information about education provision in Calderdale; includes listings of schools and colleges, admission policies, and details of support services. -
Project Challenge - Delivers an intensive training programme designed for disaffected young people of 16-24 years, combining classroom learning with physical challenges. Information about their programme, news, and contact details. -
YouthFax - A listing of community education resources and addresses in Calderdale, including youth and community centres. -
The Calderdale Learning Partnership - A consortium of learning providers and support agencies dedicated to promoting the co-ordination of learning, particularly for young people and adults; includes a directory of opportunities and resources. -
Crossley Heath School - A secondary school in Halifax. Find out about the subjects, upcoming events, and read about how to apply for the school. -
Calderdale College Consortium - Information about full and part-time courses offered in Halifax New College (Sixth Form), Calderdale College (post-16 and adult education), Calderdale Training, Halifax School of Integrated Arts, and a variety of adult learning opportunities. -
COG Personnel Development - Offers weekend refresher courses for managers, consisting of learning modules and outdoor activities. Site includes a summary of the modules, customer reviews, and information about the people who run the courses. Siddal near Halifax. -