East Leeds Music Centre - Offers instrumental tuition and experience of ensemble music-making in Seacroft and Brigshaw; information about courses, calendar, locations, and contact details. - http://www.eastleedsmusiccentre.org/
Allerton Bywater Millennium Community - An account of the English Partnerships project to regenerate the village and surrounding area; includes plans and reports on progress. - http://www.englishpartnerships.co.uk/page.aspx?pointerid=22302wnacz19MrBYMdgj5JJ1O9WlavZ8&thelang=001lngdef
Allerton Bywater Colliery 10th March, 1930 - An official report on the causes of and circumstances attending an explosion in Allerton Bywater Colliery in 1930. - http://www.pitwork.net/allerton.htm