Foundation for Conductive Education - Teaches children and adults with physical disabilities. News, information and case studies. -
Wilson Stuart School - School for children of 2 to 19 with physical disabilities. -
Longwill School for the Deaf - A bi-lingual BSL-English primary school serving the Birmingham area. -
Hallmoor School - A maintained special school for pupils between 5 and 19 years with moderate learning difficulties or difficulties such as sensory impairments, and speech and language difficulties. -
Selly Oak School - A specialist school teaching students with learning difficulties. -
Calthorpe School - An all age (2-19) co-educational Special School. The school caters for children with a range of educational difficulties. -
James Brindley School - Has sites across the city, including sectors in children's hospital wards, with a role to educate children who are unable to attend mainstream classes because of health related needs. -