Aston Hall - Stately home built in the Jacobean style. Offers a collection of period rooms containing furniture, paintings and other items from the Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery collection. -
Sarehole Mill - 18th century water mill now open to the public. -
Blakesley Hall - Information on the timber framed house that is over 400 years old. Includes opening times and pictures. -
Royal Birmingham Society of Artists - Holds public exhibitions and encourages art education. Includes calendar of events. -
Thinktank - Museum of science and discovery, with business venue facilities and an IMAX cinema. Contains information about what is there to see and has an online booking feature for tickets. -
Selly Manor - The Tudor and medieval history of two timber framed manor houses moved to Bournville by George Cadbury. Includes details of location and opening hours. -
Vintage Trains - Collection of steam locomotives located at the Tyseley Locomotive Works Visitor Centre in Birmingham. Also information for the Shakespeare Express which runs between Birmingham and Stratford upon Avon. -
Birmingham Museums & Art Gallery - World-class collections of art and human history; interpretations feature virtual gallery tours, video walkthroughs and zoomable works of art. -