Salford Hall Hotel - A Tudor Manor. Accommodation, prices, restaurant, menu, photographs and contacts. Located in Abbots Salford. -
The Orchards School of Cookery - Residential courses ski chalet and dinner party catering. Provides information about the courses and accommodation, along with a price list and application form. -
Salford Priors - Community Site. Links and information about local businesses, organisations, and institutions. -
Salford Priors First School - Includes news and events, the school newspaper, a virtual tour, and photographs of pupils' art-work. -
Salford Priors Parish Council - Information about the council and its meetings, a list of useful contact numbers for village organisations, and an online copy of the 'village design statement'. -
Salford Farm House - Bed and breakfast accommodation. Describes the house and its facilities, with prices and information about the food and local attractions. [Requires Flash] -
Bomford Turner - Manufacturers of agricultural and municipal flail hedge cutters, front end loaders and cultivators. -