Tadworth Primary Football League - Provides competitive football for local schools and clubs in years 3, 4 and 5. - http://tadworthleague.com/
Orchard Cottage Riding Stables - Horse riding instruction, training, indoor school and cross-country course, and hacking. - http://www.ocrs.co.uk/
Wildwoods Riding Centre - BHS qualified instructors for both beginners and experienced riders. - http://www.wildwoodsriding.co.uk/
Tadworth Athletic Club - Caters for runners of all abilities, and has a busy social calendar. - http://www.tadworth.org.uk/
Ebbisham Farm Livery Stables - BHS approved livery stable and full service facility located on 45 acres at Walton on the Hill. Approved to train BHS apprentices. - http://home.btclick.com/ebbisham/