The Windmill Acoustic Music Club - Programme and contact details of a club meeting in Ewsham, near Farnham. -
Farnham Chamber Music Club - The club brings together amateur musicians from Surrey, Hampshire and West Sussex to explore, perform and listen to a range of chamber music. -
Language and Music for Life: Summer Jazz - Annual two-week workshop at Frensham Heights, Farnham teaches jazz saxophone as well as basic and advanced improvisation. Photos, faculty profiles. -
Live Performance Workshop - Offers the opportunity to learn, rehearse and perform a contemporary/classic rock song in a band. Profile, news and repertoire. Meets in Liphook and Basingstoke. -
Farnham Maltings - Arts and community centre. Profile, activities and events. -
Aldershot and Farnham Camera Club - Introduction and history, programme of meetings and competitions, and individual galleries of members, work. -