Pot Kiln School - School web site for pupils and parents - http://www.potkiln.suffolk.sch.uk
Woodpeckers Private Nursery - Provide a professional childcare and pre-school nursery education for 0-5 years old. Includes brief description of services offered and contact details. - http://www.woodpeckers-nursery.co.uk/
Uplands Middle School - A comprehensive school for students of the ages between 9 and13, located near the town centre. Includes details of various activities. - http://www.uplandsmiddle.suffolk.sch.uk/
Great Cornard Upper School - A school for students of the ages between 13 and 18, located on the southern side of Sudbury. Includes information on 6th form, technology, prospectus, governors, students, curriculum and community. - http://atschool.eduweb.co.uk/gcussuff/
Sudbury Upper School - A comprehensive school for ages of 13-18 located near the centre of the town. Includes information of the arts college, sixth form and subject sites. - http://www.sus.org.uk/