Southwold and District Blythweb - Tourist and business guide to Southwold. History, leisure, accommodation and shopping. The official site of Southwold Chamber of Trade and Commerce. -
The Southwold Railway Society - Previously known as the Association of Independent Railways and Preservation Societies Ltd. A short history with pictures and a map. -
Southwold & District Voluntary Help Centre - A charitable service which co-ordinates the work of community volunteers in the local area and matches it with requests for help. History, overview, funding, activities, FAQ and contact. -
The Parke Home Page - Includes an article on the Southwold longshore fishery past, present and future. -
Southwold Organ - Online version of the monthly free newspaper for local people in this area. -
Southwold Scene - Online magazine for the local area. Includes details of what's on, food and drink, natural world, accommodation, business and the community. -