Cheveley Parish Council - Offers council meeting details and local community groups information. Cheveley Suffolk. -
Suffolk Counsellors covering East Anglia - Offera a range of services from one to one, group work, training and specialist work. Fully trained and experienced in all types of problems. -
Suffolk MESMAC - Health information and support for gay and bisexual men. -
Suffolk RAYNET - The Suffolk group of the Radio Amateur's Emergency Net, with duty roster, events and photographs. -
Suffolk Images - Collection of photographs of the Suffolk Coast seashore, estuaries, marshes, coastal towns and villages and some of the people who inhabit this part of East Anglia. -
Suffolk Records Society - Founded in 1958 to encourage the study and preservation of Suffolk records, and to publish editions of documents relating to Suffolk and its people. -
Batleys Suffolk Coast - A collection of photographs taken along the Suffolk Coast, taken using 645 medium format and 35 mm colour reversal slide film. -
Suffolk Cam - A website of photographs from places of interest in and around Suffolk. Includes a latest and archive section. -