Ability Road Training - Offers driving and motorcycle training plus trailer towing training. Includes prices. - http://freespace.virgin.net/ability.uk/towing.html
ARL School of Motoring - A driving school offering learner driver tuition. Fees charged and areas covered. - http://www.arlschoolofmotoring.co.uk
Fossils and Fossil Collecting - Introduction to collecting fossils from Nacton. Geology and geological guide summary. Includes where to look and the tools to use. - http://www.nacton.ukfossils.co.uk
Westbourne High School - A mixed comprehensive school with students in the 11-18 age range. It currently has more than 1180 students. - http://www.westbourne.suffolk.sch.uk/
St John's Church of England Primary School - A co-educational school of approximately 200 children aged 5-11. Contains information for teachers, parents and pupils at the school. - http://myweb.tiscali.co.uk/stjohnsschool2/
St Albans High School - News, calendar of events, vacancies and information about its sixth form. - http://www.st-albans.suffolk.sch.uk/
Thomas Wolsey School - Thomas Wolsey is a small school, based in Ipswich, for children with moderate to severe physical and associated learning difficulties. - http://www.thomaswolsey.com/
Willow Park Montessori Nursery - Montessori education for children of 2.5 to 5 years. Located in Tuddenham Road. - http://www.willowparkmontessori.co.uk/
Ranelagh Primary School - A mixed school, catering for children in the 4-11 age range. - http://atschool.eduweb.co.uk/ranelagh.suffolk/
Sprites Junior School - A medium sized school, catering for about 220 children in the 7-11 age range. Located in the Chantry area of Ipswich. - http://atschool.eduweb.co.uk/spritesjun.suffolk/
Halifax Primary School - Catering for children in the 4-11 age range. Located in the Stoke Park area of Ipswich. - http://atschool.eduweb.co.uk/halifax.suffolk/
Northgate High School - An 11-18 mixed comprehensive school. - http://www.northgate.suffolk.sch.uk/
Otley College - Further and higher education in agricultural, horticultural, environmental and business studies, with details of GNVQ, HNC and BSc (Honours) level courses plus news and contacts. - http://www.otleycollege.ac.uk/
St Margarets Primary School - A Catholic primary school, catering for children in the 4-11 age range. - http://atschool.eduweb.co.uk/stmargarets/
Ipswich High School - Independent day school for girls offering an education for pupils in the 3-18 age range. - http://www.gdst.net/ipswichhigh/
Old Buckenham School - A co-educational Preparatory School in which 70% of the pupils board. Catering for children in the 3-13 age range. - http://www.obh.co.uk/
Ipswich School - Prospectus and full information about this Public School, founded in the 14th century, which now caters for children in the 3-18 age range. - http://www.ipswich.suffolk.sch.uk/
Chantry High School - 11-18 mixed comprehensive school, with around 1200 students. - http://atschool.eduweb.co.uk/chantry/