13th Doncaster (Tickhill) Scout Group - Information on activities, annual gala and scouting relating documentation. - http://www.13thtickhill.fsnet.co.uk/
Alison Elizabeth - Womens clothing shop. Location information, product photographs and details of fashion show. - http://www.alisonelizabeth.co.uk/
Dave's Home Page: Tickhill - Village information, history and local photographs. - http://web.ukonline.co.uk/david.cooper/tickhill/tickhill.htm
Brookfield Beef - Cattle farm. Sales of beef, farm history, recipes and online order form. - http://www.brookfieldbeef.co.uk/
Tickhill Dolls House Courses - Offer classes in creating/painting dolls house miniatures and renovating dolls houses for varying skill levels. Course details, prices and information on the location. - http://www.tickhilldhc.com/
Tickhill Complementary Health Clinic - Two practitioners offering hypnotherapy, psychology, homeopathy, and meridian therapy, including 24 hour residential care. Various courses available. - http://www.tickhillclinic.com/
GENUKI: Tickhill - Genealogical information about the parish including extracts of historical records and photographs of local churches. - http://www.genuki.org.uk/big/eng/YKS/WRY/Tickhill/
Tickhill Online - Local portal. News, history, council information, local attractions, photographs and messageboard forums. - http://www.tickhillonline.co.uk/