Wendy Ayers Complementary Health - Reflexologist and nutritional Therapist in the city centre offering Reflexology, nutrition, food intolerance and homocysteine testing. - http://www.wendyayersreflexology.co.uk/
Hazel Cocker - Alternative health, iridology and reflexology. - http://www.hazelcocker.co.uk/
Sheffield Hypnosis - Qualified professional hypnotherapists offering hypnosis. Private and GP referrals for smoking, weight, phobia, stress, anxiety, panic, sleep problems and IBS. - http://www.sheffieldhypnosis.co.uk/
The Baby Maker - Hypotherapy, reflexology, Indian Head massage, and Hot Stone Therapy. Contains articles, client testimonials, profile and links. - http://www.thebabymaker.co.uk