Waterthorpe Infant School - Subjects, school information, awards, homework schemes, and contacts. - http://www.waterthorpeinfantschool.co.uk/
Nether Green Infant School - Profile, prospectus, aims, diary, governing body, and contacts. - http://www.nethergreen-inf.sheffield.sch.uk/
Royd Nursery Infant School - Newsletter, term dates, photographs, links, and contacts. - http://www.roydschool.co.uk/
Beighton Nursery Infant School - A web site for parents, children and teachers. Profile, staff, newsletters, term dates, calendar, photographs, and contacts. - http://www.beightonnis.ik.org/
Wisewood Community Primary School - News, staff, history, artwork gallery, and contacts. - http://wisewood-pri.sheffield.digitalbrain.com/
Sacred Heart Primary School - Official school site containing kids links, examples of children's work, information about the school and contact details. - http://www.sacredheart-school.ik.org/
Halfway Junior School - Profile, newsletters, staff, parents, curriculum, photographs, links, and contacts. - http://halfway-jun.sheffield.digitalbrain.com/
Nether Green Junior School - Staff, governors, prospectus, calendar, children's work, and contacts. - http://www.nethergreen-jun.sheffield.sch.uk/
Mossbrook School - Primary school for children with special educational needs. Events, class pages, map, curriculum and school profile. - http://www.millenniumschools.co.uk/pub/sheffield/mossbrook/
Norton Free CE Primary School - Church of England co-educational school for pupils aged 4 to 10 years. Dinner menus, calendar of events and term dates, history, prospectus, newsletter and photographs. - http://web.onetel.com/~langner/
Totley All Saints C of E Primary School - A Church of England school serving the south-west of Sheffield. Includes news and information for parents with photographs of staff and children's work. - http://www.totleyallsaints.ik.org/