Rybaruk Industrial Supplies - Company profile and details of the product range of industrial tapes, adhesives, sealants and packaging accessories. - http://www.rybaruk.co.uk/
Sedgemoor Radio Control Flying Club - Model aircraft group's information, calendar, events, field map, news, and related links. - http://www.srcfc.org.uk/
Ron Farthing Motorcycles - Dealer in vintage, veteran and classic bike mainly pre 1939, spares and accessories. Based at Othery. - http://ronfarthing.co.uk/
Westonzoyland Pumping Station - Museum of stationary steam engines and land drainage history of the Somerset Levels, at the county's oldest surviving pumping station. Includes details of location, opening times, exhibited engines and how to support their work. - http://www.wzlet.org/
Staddlestones - Rooms, facilities, location and rates of this Georgian guest house. - http://www.staddlestonesguesthouse.co.uk/