High Down Junior School - Prospectus, who's who, newsletters, events diary and details of activities at this mixed junior school. - http://www.highdownjunior.co.uk/
High Down Infant School - Newsletters, staff profiles, class pages, curriculum information and policy documents. - http://www.highdowninfants.ik.org/
Portishead Playgroups - Newsletters, term dates, management information and location details for two pre-school playgroups. - http://www.portisheadplaygroups.co.uk/
Portishead Primary School - Events, staff, clubs, SAT results, governors, directions, and contacts. - http://www.portishead.n-somerset.sch.uk/
Gordano School - Prospectus, newsletters and exam results for 11-18 community comprehensive school. - http://www.gordano.n-somerset.sch.uk/