Oakfield Middle School - Newsletters, staff list, prospectus, photo tour and governers' report. - http://www.oakfieldmiddleschool.com/
Selwood Middle School - Anglican/Methodist school. Newsletter, calendar and contacts. [Requires Flash] - http://www.selwood.somerset.sch.uk
Critchill School - Curriculum, resources guide and staff list. - http://www.critchillschool.ik.org
Trinity First School - Provides parent information, prospectus, who's who and policies of this school for children aged 4-9. - http://www.trinityfirst.somerset.sch.uk/
Jackdaws Educational Trust - Providing a range of short residential music and singing courses, masterclasses and workshops. - http://www.jackdaws.org.uk/
Frome Community College - Information about the courses offered by this 16 plus college, newsletters and contact details. - http://www.fromecollege.somerset.sch.uk/