Blagdon Lake
- History, location and general information about the lake, its facilities and contacts. Includes current and past fishing and condition reports with a summary of fish caught and best weights.
Mendip Caving Group - Details of meets, local exploration, expedition reports, accommodation details, picture gallery and song book. -
Mendip Holiday Cottages - Offers a detached one bedroom cottage for holiday rental throughout the year. -
School Farm - Situated next to Blagdon and Chew Lakes. Offers bed and breakfast to fishermen. -
Combe Lodge - Country house offering conferencing and hospitality as well as management consulting and training. Includes location details and programme of events. -
Blagdon - Online edition of the parish magazine, together with pictures and information about the village. -
Blagdon Primary School - Information for parents, gallery of children's work, pictures of the school play, newsletter and details of events. -
Blagdon Post Office and Stores - Information about the products and services available at the store, opening hours and proprietors. With brief history of the village. -
Blagdon Cricket Club - History, fixtures, statistics and photos for this club, playing in the Bristol and District League. -