Saxon House - A recreation of an Anglo-Saxon house built at Market Rasen in Lincolnshire. Includes history, the story of its construction, photographs and visitor information. -
David Roffe - An historian who specializes in the study of Domesday Book. Includes online text of lectures and information on his research and publications. -
Beyond the Burghal Hidage: Anglo-Saxon Civil Defence in the Viking Age - A three-year project by the University College London Institute of Archaeology to study Anglo-Saxon military organisation and its landscape context for the period c.850-1066. -
The Electronic Sawyer - An online version of the revised edition of Sawyer's Anglo-Saxon Charters, prepared by the British Academy / Royal Historical Society Joint Committee on Anglo-Saxon Charters. -
Prosopography of Anglo-Saxon England - Searchable database of all recorded people living in early medieval England, produced by academics from several universities. -
Haskins Society - An international scholarly organisation dedicated to the study of Viking, Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Norman, and early Angevin history and the history of neighbouring areas and peoples. -
The Life of King Alfred - Biography by Asser, Bishop of Sherborne, written c.888. E-text hosted by the Online Medieval and Classical Library. -
Ða Engliscan Gesiðas - An historical society devoted to the study of all aspects the Anglo-Saxon period. Aims, articles, Anglo-Saxon calendar and forum. -
Anglo-Saxon Studies: A Select Bibliography - Carole Biggam's study guide incorporates a range of topics categorised by subject and includes links to online sources. -
The Burghal Hidage - Anthony Bradshaw explains this Saxon document which lists the fortified burhs of Wessex, with maps. -
Dr Sam Newton's Wuffings' Website - Explores the early medieval kingdom of East Anglia and its Wuffing dynasty as well as aspects of the literature, legend, history, and archaeology of Anglo-Saxon England. -
The Anglo-Saxon Chronicles - Complete modern English translation published by the Online Medieval and Classical Library (OMACL). -
Mercian History - Geography, ascendancy, and decline of the Kingdom of Mercia, and the Earldom as it existed under the Danelaw. -
MaÞeliende - The online newsletter of Anglo-Saxon studies at the University of Georgia. -
International Society of Anglo-Saxonists - Aims to further all aspects of Anglo-Saxon Studies and holds a conference every other year. -
Regia Anglorum - This living history group provides articles on Anglo-Saxon times with illustrations and references. Includes a virtual village, manor and minster. -
BBC: The Anglo-Saxons - Discover how the Anglo-Saxons lived with an interactive guide to 8th-century English life. A guide for schoolchildren which aims to cover KS2 QCA Scheme of Work Unit 8b: 'Anglo-Saxons case study'. -
Kemble - The British Academy and Royal Historical Society describe their new edition of the corpus of Anglo-Saxon charters. Includes online versions of Sawyer's catalogue and Regesta Regum Anglorum. - - Sean Miller provides an introduction, timeline, dates, lists of rulers and archbishops, maps, texts and translations, including a searchable database of charters. -
Vortigern Studies - Robert Vermaat's look at British history c.400-600 AD. Includes discussions of the evidence for Vortigern and the Wansdyke earthwork. -
Britannia: Anglo Saxon England - A comprehensive series of original material and contemporary sources relating to England before the Norman conquest. -