Neil's Genealogy Website - A genealogy site devoted to the research of the names of Potten and Gaymer. -
Owers Family Tree - Contains the family tree information for the following families: Owers, Tanner, Derbyshire, Robinson, Wilkinson, Hayles, Burdett, Baraclough, Butler, Walshaw and Hepplestone. -
Bob Johns Family History Page - Genealogical information for the Johns surname from Devon and Cornwall, including the following surnames: Johns, James, Fry, Walter, Eborall and Poulter. -
Parishmouse - Transcriptions of historical books, directories and parish registers. Gallery of churches, graves, memorials and family history message board. -
The Cotswolds of England Genealogy - Resources containing researcher pages, history, Wills, and complete family trees for this area which includes parts of Gloucestershire, Oxfordshire, North Somerset, Warwickshire, Wiltshire and Worcestershire. -
Cyndi's List - England - Directory of links to sites about England. -
Catholic Family History Society - Offers events, publications, services and booklist. -
MJF's Web Pages - War memorial, churchname lists and 19th Century maps for a selection of counties. -
Medieval English genealogy - Resources for tracing medieval English ancestry, including a guide to sources, links to online material and family histories, hyper-linked medieval calendar. Other resources include "The Complete Peerage", and a place name index to the Victoria -