Harvest Help - UK registered charity which works in poor villages in Zambia, Malawi, Ghana and Togo in Africa. Helping people improve their own lives and prospects. Based in Wellington. - http://www.harvesthelp.org/
Telford Conservatives - Information about the local association, people, news, events and contact details. - http://www.telfordconservatives.com/
Wrockwardine Village Shropshire - Shropshire Village Website providing news, entertainment and local history. - http://wrockwardinevillage.com/
Wellington Methodist Church - Offers services, activities, mission statement, letter, beliefs, proposed new building, music, devotional material, humour, contact, location and links. - http://website.lineone.net/~wellingtonmc/
Telford Buddhist Priory - Priory following the Serene Reflection (Soto Zen) tradition of Buddhism. Events, gallery and directions. - http://www.tbpriory.org.uk/