Edward McMillan Scott MEP - Information about the Conservative MEP and his policies and activities, news articles and political links. - http://www.emcmillanscott.com
Richard Corbett - MEP in Labour's team for Yorkshire and Humber and party spokesperson on constitutional affairs. - http://www.richardcorbett.org.uk/
Timothy Kirkhope MEP - Conservative representative for the region in Europe. Includes biography, contacts and press releases. - http://www.kirkhope.org/
Linda McAvan MEP - Labour representative. Includes information about the European political system and how it affects the region, Labour's policies on Europe and contacts. - http://www.lindamcavanmep.org.uk/
Diana Wallis MEP - Liberal Democrat. Special interest in Legal Affairs, and Vice-President of the EP Delegation to Iceland, Norway and Switzerland. - http://www.dianawallismep.org.uk/