North East Labour History Society - UK´s oldest regional labour history society, dedicated to the study of working people's history in the region. Includes information about membership, publications, their activities and history. -
North East History Pages - Exploring the history of North Eastern England from the River Tweed to the River Tees. From "The Millennium History of North East England" by David Simpson. -
NE Gayscene - News and information on the gay scene in the region. Chat facility requires registration. -
Rotary District 1030 - North East England - District organisation for the 68 local clubs in the area. Newsletters, district officials and details of local clubs. -
The People's Animal Rescue and Re-homing Team - Charity that re-houses cats and dogs in the Tyneside and Northumberland area. Overview, re-homing, news and fundraising. -
North-East of England Green Party - Political party with details of elections, local organisations, current campaigns and contact information. -
Tomorrow's History - Regional local studies resource for the North East of England, with digitised material from libraries, museums and record offices. -
Durham Dialect Project - Studying the dialect of the region. Includes dictionary, feedback on words, games, publications and newsletter. -
Community Regeneration Trust North East - Supports and assists those suffering from financial hardship, social exclusion, unemployment or any other form of debilitating circumstance. Describes its services with profile and news. -
Culture North East - Government funded initiative to develop and promote the region's cultural heritage. Details of the project, its activities and how to get involved. -
Equality North East - Equal opportunities issues for businesses and individuals. Includes news on equality and diversity, also recruitment, information sheets on law and equal opportunities policy and procedure. -
Durham Mining Museum - History and culture of the coal mining industry in the North of England. Includes details of fatalities, disaster and collieries and pits. -