West Central Oxford Liberal Democrats - Lib Dems in West Central Oxford County Council Electoral Division, incorporating the three City of Oxford wards Jericho and Osney, Carfax, and North. - http://www.westcentral.org.uk/
Oxford Liberal Democrats - News, campaigns, elected representatives and contact details from Lib Dems in the City of Oxford. - http://www.oxfordcitylibdems.org.uk/
Rose-hill and Littlemore Children's Centre - Local Government funded children’s centre project, supporting local children under five and their families through community based services. Covering early years development, childcare, education, family support, child and family health services, links - http://www.rosehill-littlemore.childrencentre.org
The Gatehouse - A drop-in centre for the city's homeless and poorly housed population. - http://www.geckotech.co.uk/gatehouse/
OARC Oxford Action Resource Centre - Interested in community development and working towards a more socially just and environmentally sustainable society. - http://www.theoarc.org.uk/
goldenfuels - A workers co-op which has been set up to make and distribute biodiesel in the Oxford area. They also offer consultancy and small scale reactors. - http://www.goldenfuels.com/
Oxford Friend Lesbian and Gay Helpline - Free and confidential information, support and counselling services for lesbians, gay men and bisexuals. Contacts, services, FAQs, safe places, links. - http://www.oxfordfriend.co.uk/
LGB Soc - Oxford University's gay, lesbian and bisexual club. Activities, projects, photographs, and notices. - http://lgbsoc.com/
Stephen Tall - Deputy Lord Mayor of Oxford and Liberal Democrat councillor for Headington ward. News, views, weblog and contact details. - http://www.stephentall.org.uk/
Blackbird Leys Parish Council - Gives residents information on what goes on at meetings, plus a short history of the area. - http://www.blackbirdleys.co.uk/
Oxford IWCA - Independent Working Class Association. Information about this political organisation and its activities. - http://iwca-oxford.org.uk/
Headington Community Centre - Lists the events and activities the community centre houses. - http://www.hca.ath.cx/
Oxford East Liberal Democrats - News, events, campaigns and contact information. - http://www.oxfordeastlibdems.org.uk/
Emmaus - Charity providing support and housing for the homeless and unemployed in Oxford. Includes objectives, news and how to help. - http://www.emmaus.org.uk/
Oxford 2600 - Group who hold meetings on topics such as computer security and hardware, phreaking, and virii. Includes meeting information, photographs, and links. - http://thephinn.freeshell.org/oxford2600/
The Oxford Night Shelter - Direct access accommodation for men and women over 25 open every night of the year. - http://www.oxfordnightshelter.org.uk/
The Oxford Trust Home Page - Encouraging the study and application of science and technology. Includes current programmes, news and contact details. - http://www.oxtrust.org.uk/
Oxford Civic Society - This website includes all Oxford planning applications, the Civic Society's programme of events, and information on Oxford's blue plaques scheme. - http://www.oxfordcivicsoc.org.uk/
Stop the Quarry - Details of an unsuccessful protest against Railtrack's quarry in Oxford. - http://www.oxquarry.co.uk/menu.htm
Oxford Vegetarians Voluntary Group - Activities include talks, cookery demonstrations, informal social meetings, video evenings, restaurant trips and even aromatherapy and massage evenings. - http://www.ivu.org/oxveg/