Hoveringham Cricket Club - Cricket club in the South Nottinghamshire cricket league. Details of fixtures, club officials, directions to ground and statistics. - http://www.zen125377.zen.co.uk/hcc/
GENUKI: Hoveringham - Genealogical information including directory extracts including names of historic residents and population statistics. - http://www.genuki.org.uk/big/eng/NTT/Hoveringham/
Wikipedia: Hoveringham - Encyclopaedia entry including a brief overview of the town, its history and information on gravel extraction in the area. - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hoveringham
Hoveringham Village Portal - Details of flood risk warnings, village events, parish vouncil minutes and notices, village hall facilities and booking, history and church service times. - http://www.hoveringham.org.uk