Yorkshire Dry Stone Walling Guild - A membership organisation of people concerned about the future of dry stone walls; information about membership, training courses, news and photo galleries. - http://www.ydswg.co.uk/
Holy Rood House - A holistic, therapeutic centre based on the Christian ethos of love and acceptance. Information about their activities, events, therapies, theology centre, facilities, and booking form. - http://www.holyroodhouse.freeuk.com/
Thirsk White Horse Swim Team - News, who's who, fees and training times, fixtures list and results. - http://www.twhst.co.uk/
Thirsk Market Town - Includes directories of accommodation, services, businesses and events, along with a photograph gallery. - http://www.guysweb.force9.co.uk/Thirsk/
Thirsk & Sowerby - Details of events, accommodation, pubs, businesses and villages in and around the town. - http://www.thirsk.org.uk/