Wesley Methodist Church - Worship, activities, concerts and a welcome. - http://www.wesleychapelharrogate.org.uk/
Charismatic Renewal Church - Offering friendship and belonging to those looking for a church family. Details of coming events and contact. - http://www.harrogatenewlife.org
Henshaws Society for Blind People - Provider of training, residential, support and care services for visually impaired people. Includes information on Henshaws College of Further Education, the arts centre and a sensory garden. - http://www.henshaws.org.uk/
Harrogate New Life Church - General information, church life, teaching, and contacts. - http://www.harrogatenewlife.com/
Laura Bissell - Teaches hatha yoga classes, and a beginners ashtanga yoga course. - http://www.yogawithlaura.com/
Pannal Ash Memories - A collection of photographs taken in the Pannal Ash area of the town, along with old maps and commentary. - http://www.pannal-ash.org.uk/
Horticap - Horticultural training and employment for people with learning disabilities. Information about the group and their aims, and contact details. - http://www.bluecoatwood.demon.co.uk/
Harrogate Community Portal - Offers guides to churches, public services, clubs, gardens and local activities in the town. - http://www.harrogate.co.uk/
VR Harrogate - A virtual tour of the town including 360 degree panoramas, interactive maps and unique views. - http://www.vrharrogate.co.uk/
Soroptimist International Harrogate - A worldwide organisation for women in management and professions working through service projects to advance human rights and the status of women. Online club news, updates on community projects and club history. - http://www.wykeslong.demon.co.uk/SIHarrogate.htm