Rainhill Railway and Heritage Society - Maintainers of the Rainhill Trials Exhibition. Information about the society, the exhibition, and early and modern pictures of the railway. - http://www.sthelens.info/community/rainhill/
Spartacus Educational: The Rainhill Trials - Description of the trails, the results, the rules, and contemporary accounts. - http://www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk/RArainhill.htm
The Rainhill Trials - Contemporary accounts of the trials and the competing engines. - http://www.resco.co.uk/rainhill/
Rainhill Civic Society - Seeks to look after the beauty, history and character of the area. Information about activities and events, local history and photos. - http://www.rainhill-civic-society.org.uk/
The Colonnade - Dedicated to the memory of Rainhill Hospital - once the world's largest psychiatric hospital. Includes historical information and pictures, photos of the site as it is now, and contact information of former members of staff. - http://www.dwnw13400.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/