Methodist Church Crumpsall - Includes calendar, events, photos, news and links. Located in Crumpsall. -
United Church of God - Offering details of this pentecostal church, events held, worship times and contact. -
Reach - A 21st Century Church aimed at young adults and run by Manchester Vineyard. -
The Parish of St Antony of Padua - Mass times, contact details, information on the Centre for Church and Industry. Located in Trafford Park. -
Manchester Chinese Christian Church - English, Cantonese and Mandarin are all spoken at this non-denominational church, which holds Bible study and Alpha groups. Lists services, notices, meetings and annual report. -
Moston Methodist Church - Presents overview, news, prayer requests, contact, links, location and events. -
St Peter's Church - An ecumenical Church which also houses the Manchester Student Christian Society. Chaplaincy, student groups, diary, services, links and contact. -
The Holy Name of Jesus - Catholic church in Oxford Road. Mass times, contact details, online virtual tour with images and detailed historic information. Latin Mass said. -
Lightbowne Evangelical Church - Includes overview, prayer, forum, poetry, teaching and Bible study. -
New Harvest Christian Fellowship - A radical fellowship of Pentecostal churches, lists news and events, photographs, testimonies and visions. -
St Aidan's Orthodox Church - Antiochian parish, with all services in English. Forthcoming services and events, profile, reports, ministries, directory, archive, sermons, and resources. -