Maps of London - Old maps of London, featuring detailed maps of the city of London and the London Boroughs, as shown on the Bartholomew half inch map series of last century. -
Map of London - Complete map of London, 1862, by Edward Stanford. -
London-centre flash map - Interactive map of London-centre in Flash. Search, zoom and panning. -
Explore St Paul's Cathedral - An interactive virtual tour which includes over forty 360-degree panoramas, thirty-five narrated slide shows, zoomable maps, integrated text for the hearing-impaired, and downloadable MS Word files (with pictures) for schools and academics. -
London Cityscapes. - Photographs by John Butler, arranged by London boroughs. -
Images of London - An illustrated database of images of prints, maps and panoramas of London and the Thames pre-1870 from print-sellers Motco. -
Map of John Snow's London in 1859 - Historical map of London with references to Dr. John Snow's era (1813-58). -
Street Map UK - In combination with Cities Revealed, provide the opportunity to compare aerial photographs with the street map, and zoom out for planning tours. This view shows the shadow cast by Big Ben at the centre of British government in Westminster. -,179640&st=4&tl=Grid+Location+530335,179640&lu=P&mapp=newmap.srf&searchp=newsearch.srf
VR London - Virtual tour of London uses Java. -
Armchair-Travel, London - Quick Time VR panoramas of London. -
Booth's 1889 London Poverty Map - Victorian sociologist Charles Booth coloured a map of London to show the wealth of the inhabitants of each street. The University of Michigan has made its copy available on-line. -
Active London Map - A point-and-click guide to interesting places in London plus information on accommodation, transport, attractions, museums and entertainment -