Unity Church - Islington Unitarians - A congregation of religious liberals in London Borough of Islington. Information about Unitarians, services, history and contact details. - http://www.unitarian.org.uk/ldpa/islington/
Highbury Baptist Church - About, location, activities and lettings information. - http://www.highburybaptistchurch.org
Saint Peter's Italian Church - In both Italian and English giving Mass times and parish groups. Also a calendar of events, a parish history and information on St Peter's Project. - http://www.italianchurch.org.uk/
New River Church - Includes forums, articles and information about them, their church life and exploring Christianity. - http://www.newriverchurch.net
New Wine Christian Fellowship - An Ichthus congregation. Information about the services, events and message board. - http://nwcf.org.uk
n7parish.net - Parish of St Mary Magdalene and St David's Churches in Holloway. Includes history of church and organ at St Mary and service information for both. Proposals for new Academy sharing site with existing CofE primary school. - http://www.n7parish.net/
Saint Mellitus - Catholic church in Tollington Park. Mass times, contact details, history, justice and peace, groups, location. Uses frames. - http://www.stmellitus.org.uk/
Church of Saint John the Evangelist - Roman Catholic church offers mass times, contact details, groups, history, school and youth centre. - http://www.stjohnsislington.org/
Saint Joseph - Catholic church in Highgate. Mass times, contact details, parish bulletin, parish groups, sacramental programmes, parish history, meditation page photo gallery and church tour. - http://www.stjosephshighgate.org/
Wesley's Chapel & Leysian Mission - The Mother Church of World Methodism. Details of services, sermons, activities, the Museum of Methodism and John Wesley's House. - http://www.wesleyschapel.org.uk/