Stoke Newington Quaker Meeting - Location, events, history and other information about Stoke Newington Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in London Borough of Hackney. -
Hackney Methodist Circuit - Offers an overview, features and details of the member churches. -
St John of Jerusalem Church - Details of services, work of the church, activities and description of this building. -
North London Muslim Community Centre - Community project, including advice surgery, youth club, mental health project and elders' luncheon club, reading room and IT training. -
London Buddhist Centre - Offers weekly meditation and Buddhism courses and classes; also offers weekend countryside meditation retreats for beginners, and longer retreats each winter and summer. -
Grace Baptist Church - Details of the history since 1818, explaining the Reformed Evangelical Grace Baptist position on the Christian faith. Calendar of events and service, and invitation to contact the Pastor or Church Secretary at Homerton. -