The British Postal Museum & Archive - Visitor information, details of collections and exhibitions, online catalogue, and educational resources. -
The British Library - Information about services including events, exhibitions, educational programmes and tours. -
The Keats House - John Keats once lived here, and it is now home to a collection of letters, manuscripts and other materials. -
London Canal Museum - Historical exhibitions and boat trips, based in an old ice warehouse near King's Cross. It also features the history of the ice trade and ice cream. -
The Jewish Museum - Collections on the history of the Jewish community in Britain, the Holocaust, and ceremonial art. -
The Freud Museum - Home of Sigmund and his daughter, now a museum containing Freud's library and collection of antiquities. -
The Dickens House Museum - Charles Dickens and his family lived here briefly, and it now houses a collection of letters, ephemera and photographs. -
The British Museum - Home of one of the greatest collections of antiquities in the world. -
Belsize Park Deep Level Shelter - Photographs and history of this 1940s wartime shelter. -
Burgh House Trust - Burgh House incorporating Hampstead Museum is a grade 1 listed building with permanent displays on Hampstead history. Includes history, collections and room hire details. -